IRON 01 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE International iron casting & sculpture creative workshop in Jicin, Czech Republic September 1.-18., 2001

Sept. 1. Saturday Arrival. Opening session. Sept. 2. Sunday Field trip: Jicín and its landscape; Sept. 3. Monday Furnace building; Sept. 4. Tuesday Furnace building; Sept. 5. Wednesday Design studio work; Sept. 6. Thursday Design studio work; Sept. 7. Friday Design studio work; Sept. 8. Saturday Visiting critics consultation day. Film and music evening; Sept. 9. Sunday Field trip: Prague; Sept. 10. Monday Molds production; Sept. 11. Tuesday Molds production; Sept. 12. Wednesday Molds production; Sept. 13. Thursday Molds production; Sept. 14. Friday Iron Casting Day. Rock and theatre festival; Sept. 15. Saturday Iron Casting Day. Rock and theatre festival; Sept. 16. Sunday Public presentations, final exhibition. Rock and theatre festival; Sept. 17. Monday Final exhibition; Sept. 18. Tuesday Farewell party

IRON 01 schedule
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